The Price He Paid

The King paying the price for us. Today is a day of celebration and Thanksgiving for the whole world. It is a day to celebrate the risen Christ who took the bullet for us by laying His life for us on the cross without any cost. It is a day that should be celebrated every single day because not only has this day given us hope, but it has also given us joy and freedom from this corrupt world. Jesus Christ should be the center of everything we do in this world. We must allow him to come into our hearts and reign in our lives. We must appreciate Him every day of our lives, just because He is Everything in this world, He is the King of Kings, the only one who died on the Cross and rise from dead the third day. He is everything. God's love is unconditional. We must thank him for giving us His only Begotten Son , that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Thank you Jesus for the Blood you she...