Choose Happiness!

Many of us go on a search for happiness, a search to have the happiness that we thought others have. But a lot of people don't really understand what happiness truly means. So we must ask ourselves, "What is happiness?", "Am I truly happy with my life?", "Am I doing the things that makes me happy?". It is very important to know where your happiness lies and it's very important that you pursue it. Happiness is how good you feel on a day to day basis and also how satisfied you are with your life. It is being absolutely content with yourself, your life and being focused on the things you have and not the things you don't have. Happiness is when you accept that you are living life to your fullest and appreciating ever breathe that you take and everyone around you. The amount of money you have and the number of people that are around you can not always define your happiness but it is finding peace within yourself, the world and everyone ar...