Don't waste time

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life ~ Steve jobs Whatever you are doing now, or whatever activities you are involved with, that does not grow you to be a better person or does not have a positive impact in your life, stop it! Stop it, this very moment! Life is very limited. It doesn't wait for you to gather yourself together. In fact, it waits for no one. Every second, when someone dies a baby is born. Amazaing isn’t? The truth is that each day is a new beginning. Each day is a new opportunity to start over again. Many people waste their lives doing things that does not add value or contribute to their happiness. The reason for this is that they don't have standards. Many lack a sense of urgency about where their life is going. They tend to settle for whatever life hands to them. But, that shouldn’t be the case at all. If you're not happy with where your life is, change it! The key to a long term happiness is to kee...