The life we choose

Our lives are as a result of our choices. If we are not happy with life, the choice is ours to change it. We are powerful beyond our imagination and we have the power to write our own story. People often complain that they don't like their job, lifestyle or the way they look. But the only thing stopping you from changing that are your excuses. You have to find and make time to work on creating the life you want for yourself because what's your gain in life if you spend your whole entire life living a life of complain, proscranation and a life full of regrets? It's your call! Everyone is a writer, whether you think you can or can't write properly, you are a writer. Every year, month, day, hour, minutes and seconds you are writing your own book. Inside that book contains your life journey up to this present moment. The first day you were born, your first steps, first day of preschool, secondary school, college and now. Inside the book are your ...