Be wise and take a step forward.

Life is not meant to be spend wasted in anyway whatsoever. Life is a gift giving to every individuals living on earth. And the way you live your life to the fullest depends only on one person and that person is you and of course with God backing you up all the way. Every second counts. Every memory counts. Every movement counts. We all don’t know what may happen tomorrow, we don't know what tornado may hit us tomorrow, we just don't know! Life does not require you to always do something big, BUT it requires you to do something. Do something, anything good that can add value to your life, to other people's life, because if you choose to sit round all day every day then you are wasting memories that you could make. Am not saying that you should go out every night or every weekend and get completely drunk until you can't remember anything the next day, no that's not what "living life to the fullest" is about. “Living life to the fullest” is about doing something small that will eventually lead to something big. 

For example :

Taking one hour or two a day to take on a new hobby, maybe learning how to play the guitar or piano or any other instrument that you find interesting. Doing this every day can help improve the way you see yourself, can boost your confidence, because if you become very good at something others will complement you and after two or three complement from different individuals you'll want to improve and become better. 

And of course:

Not everyone is good at instruments (moi!!!), your interest may be reading. Reading a chapter of the Bible a day can build you spiritually, physically and mentally (OK, I know what you’re thinking, WHAT? the Bible?. But why not? Why not something different that will defiantly have an impact in your life).

Everything that you start small always leads to something big with constant persistent to not give up, leading you to big victory in the end. Take me for example, I've been sitting around doing absolutely nothing, just wondering around the house eating everything I see and taking endless trips to the fridge, and then it just suddenly hit me one day that I was somehow wasting my life, I wasn't putting the "little effort that'll lead to the big result" into my life. It hit me that I had to stop. It hit me that I had to stop postponing and stop saying "yeah I’ll do that tomorrow, I'll practice that tomorrow or I’ll read that tomorrow". It hit me THAT I HAD TO STOP. Been the "Big thinker" that I am, with an overloading mind, I was thinking about life in general as I was walking to my hairdresser yesterday morning, I was thinking about my life, about where am going and especially I couldn't stop thinking about what am doing wrong in my life. I started talking to myself (Another topic which I will later discuss, which REALLY TRUELY HELPS), I started talking about where I want to be in the next 3 months, what I want to do in the future, I started  to recall my past mistake in life, BUT I made a big promise to myself that to get to where I want to be within that 3 months that I was determined to change, I was ready to change, change my ways of not caring as much, change my ways of not knowing all facts when all facts are meant to be known (In school), change my ways of interacting with others, change my ways of not adding value to my life daily, and change my ways of not trying. It is a complete lie when one says that one cannot be perfect, because the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 5 verse 35 saying "Therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect". So there’s no excuse to not wanting to give a meaning to your life. 

God gave us all a gift, and that gift is life, don’t waste your time thinking “Oh if I had money, I would do that, I would do this, I would give to the poor and so on..”, No don’t waste your time thinking about the things you want to do but rather, take action and work towards it. Life doesn't require you to buy lots of lottery cards hoping to get the big cheque so that you can donate money to the poor, or set up a charity, but of course it would be highly appreciated if you could. But what EVERYONE must know in this world and what I tell my family and friends every time is “You can only do your best and leave the rest to God”. That’s the key to life (Another topic which will also be discussed later on). If you wish to help those who are less fortunate but you don’t have the money to donate a big large some of money, THAT'S OKAY, volunteering at your local charity shops every weekend, or organising fundraising may look small but mean big to those who you are helping. Giving your time also can add value to your life and to others. Even going over to your neighbour’s house for a get together makes a difference because you may smile at each other every morning but you may not know what each one is going through. Even offering a cup of coffee to one of your neighbours that may appear to be looking down and taking at least 2 hours of your time to talk to them, asking how things are and how there’re getting on, because EVERYONE need a shoulder to lean on sometimes and it’s not easy to know what’s on someone’s mind or what they’re actually going through until you actually start up a conversation with them.

All am trying to say is don't waste a day just laying around doing nothing, motivate yourself to do something, motivate your friends, your family to do something. Anything can happen any year, month, week, day, hour, second. Be wise with your life don't waste any more time, do something that will add value to your lie. Get up and take a step forward. God bless. 


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