Take a moment and TALK !
You might think the idea is beyond crazy, to talk to yourself. And you may ask yourself what am I going to get from actually carrying out this process, but believe it or not, there's lot that you'll learn about yourself, your potential, your ability and of course it will give you solutions to questions. As they say "experience is the best teacher" and for sure I've experienced it so many times in which I have found so many solutions that no body could have helped me on. Talking to yourself helps increase your low self esteem, talk to yourself, not just in your head but also out loud.
I know that even the whole phrase of "talking to yourself" seems quiet off, you may think its supper crazy and insane I promise you that its going to help you in all ways, relieves loneliness, makes you smarter. You'll become smarter only if you speak respectfully to yourself. Talk to yourself like you are your own best friend, use "you" instead of "I", you could motivate yourself and do a lot of things as well. All you've got to do is give it a chance.
Firstly you have to be real to yourself, that's the only thing you need to keep in mind whenever your talking to yourself. Take for example you start to develop some feelings towards someone, and you cant really gather together how you feel about him/ her, and its leading you to many confusions and may have lead you loosing the love of your life, but the reason why am posting this is for you to make amends of your past mistakes, its never too late for anything to happen. Likewise in any other thing that you feel stuck in in life, talking to yourself will defiantly help solve the solution. But remember be realistic!
Taking a few minutes each day to have a little moment to yourself, maybe go for a walk by yourself, playing your favourite music in your room and just relaxing or something as simple as just sitting on the couch in a quite environment. Firstly, start with reviewing your day, what you did today, where you went, who you met and the whole event of your day. Lay it all out on the table, lay it realistically. Then start to ask what made you happy today, what made you sad and so on, just simply evaluate your emotions on that day, and as you do so you'll begin to find the sources of what caused the happiness, sadness, disappointment and the pain. Scientist suggest that talking to yourself actually makes you smarter as a person.

I always find solutions after talking to myself, I remember one time in school, I was finding difficulties in coping, and I remember vividly crying almost every single day cause it was all just too much for me and everyone was in the same process as me but they were able to cope way better then me and it felt like they were climbing up all the time and I was just stationary, and that always brings tears in my eyes every time because it seems like no matter how much I tried it just didn't work, and I decided that it all had to stop, that I couldn't live like this any more. Of course you'll be wondering why I didn't talk to anyone about it, but who could I talk to when everyone was against me at that particular moments in my life, I was falling off with my friends and my teachers did not even cared for one bit. Their influence really started my insecurity. But, guess what, I pulled through, I pulled through BIG time, and you know what really helped me to do that and this might sound crazy, its my inner self that helped me, my inner self never gave up on me, it just keeps whispering to me "Just try your best and never give up", "you can do it" but before I could start believing that was long, but the more I had my one on one time with myself the more I started to believe that inner voice in my mind saying every time I was down "Just try your best and never give up". And trust me the moment I started believing that inner self everything started to change for good, of course it took a while but I got there at the end. During the real big exam all I could just remember is just do your best and leave the rest to God, and trust me I did my best and I've left the rest to God and now my faith is in Him for the result day. Always look for something beneficial in every event that you can turn to your advantage.
In talking to your self you'll start to discover the hidden potential in you that you've never seen before. If you're looking for change in life but you don't know where to start, lay it out on the table in your quite time and talk about it to yourself, let your inner voice have a say in it, put your full concentration on the matter and you'll start finding solutions. But yes it is good to talk it out with others because good people around you will give you good advice and eventually could lead you to somewhere good in life. But you may not have those people there all the time so you have to talk it out with your inner self.

Remember, the next time you are alone and afraid how you speak positively to yourself can change everything. Talk to yourself at least once in a day otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world. Be your own boss and take control of the situations in your life. Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. Always be careful the way you talk to yourself because you are listening.
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