Is it friendship?

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people . A friend is someone you can tell anything to, someone who is there for you 24/7, someone who act like your sister/brother and who shows you unconditional love even though they know your deepest darkest secrets. Friendship should never be a forced action. It should be a free action between people. A friend is someone that wants to be there for you and not only say they want to be there for you but actually act like they want to be there and are always there for you. A friend should never be someone who makes excuses like "sorry I was busy", because truly it's not that someones busy it just depends on who is on their priority list. Never trust anyone that replies late, but when you're with them they are constantly on their phone. Be careful who you choose to be your friend. Just because they wear a smile in front of you doesn't mean that t...