Is it friendship?
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.
A friend is someone you can tell anything to, someone who is there for you 24/7, someone who act like your sister/brother and who shows you unconditional love even though they know your deepest darkest secrets. Friendship should never be a forced action. It should be a free action between people. A friend is someone that wants to be there for you and not only say they want to be there for you but actually act like they want to be there and are always there for you. A friend should never be someone who makes excuses like "sorry I was busy", because truly it's not that someones busy it just depends on who is on their priority list. Never trust anyone that replies late, but when you're with them they are constantly on their phone. Be careful who you choose to be your friend. Just because they wear a smile in front of you doesn't mean that their heart is completely pure towards you.
Are your friends people you can count on?, can you trust them with anything? Are they always there for you? Do they care what's going on in your life? Do they treat you with respect? Do they act like a friend instead of talk like a friend? Can you easily confront them with something that they are doing wrong? Do you share advice with each other, or do they get advice from you and never really bother to give you any? Are they trustworthy? Are they the jealous type? Are they based on popularity? How do they make you feel when you are around them? Are they growing you mentally and physically? Are you comfortable with them or do you still feel like you have to act somehow when you are around them? These are some of the questions you need to start asking yourself about the people you move with.
When you commit to being someones friend, you're committing to being a trustworthy, caring, kind, loving, friendly and understanding person. You are simply committing to be the best friend that you can, giving your 100% to them as you do with everything you do in life. But at the same time if you don't feel like they are not giving you the same back, I think it's time to sit down and evaluate your relationship with them. If you somehow feel like your friends are not acting the way a friend should I think it's time to start moving with a different crowd. You need to move with people that will grow you, physically and mentally, people that want the best for you as they do for themselves, people that love you as they love themselves. I know it'll be the most difficult thing to do because of all the memories you've had with them and how you were inseparable, but at the same time no one should ever feel miserable with someone they once called "friend". It's a horrible feeling. Always remember that this is life and everyone you meet on the way won't necessarily see you through to the finish line. Don't hang around with people just because you feel like you will never have another friend like them even though they are making you feel horrible or even worst, they are turning you into a mean, angry, cruel, monstrous person. Don't be fooled, it's a trap to knock you down in life and make you completely loose your way. Be careful who you walk with , they say a lot about how you get to your final destination. A saying quotes "you are who you walk with".
Take gradual steps to move away from such friend/group of friends/ best friend. As everything in this world, it takes time. Don't just settle for unfairness.
Talk to someone about it. Share it with someone cause it could lead to something else, even if you say it wouldn't, convincing yourself that it'll be okay or you'll deal with it later.
Talk it out with relatives, sisters, brothers, mum, dad, close teachers, lectures, caretakers, anyone you feel is willing to listen to you. Tell them what's going on, how you're feeling, and ask for advice. You'll be surprised how better you'll feel after talking with someone, cause you could have it in your mind that it's something that's wrong with you.
If you decide to confront them of their behavior towards you and how they are making you feel, be careful if you know the behaviour that they can put on, so that you won't get yourself into a dangerous argument.
At the same time if you have a friend that truly shows the quality of a true friend, love her/him/them with all your heart and give them your full attention, energy, love, and a shoulder to lean on, cause you might find yourself in a place where you need to be surrounded with loving, comforting, caring friends and to be able to receive those qualities in a person you must first show it unconditional and constantly. Give your time to them. Listen to their problems as a good loving friend. I think as a friend, you must be there for each other without any complaints of "oh I was busy" or "sorry I was tired and didn't want to talk to anyone". In fact, in my opinion excuses are not even suppose to be made when you engage yourself in friendship unless if you genuinely have a good reason.
If you are the type of person who ignores your friends because you just couldn't be bothered, please I beg of you, STOP! It's horrible! STOP DOING THAT! The worst feeling in this world when someone needs you the most is feeling lonely, sad, depress, isolated when they have many friends, feeling like they have no one. Check up on your friends, call or text them randomly to just check how they are doing or drop a message to them saying "just like you to know that I love you very much"!
Loving one another makes it easy to forgive each other after an argument. Love conquers all.
Friendship is the sweetest thing anyone can ever experience. It's a nice feeling to be in the company of someone you can tell anything to, joke with, and gossip with. But know who your real friends are! Be wise, choose them wisely. That doesn't mean you should start picking false in your friends. Appropriate them for being your friend, encourage each other with words of wisdom, laughter, jokes, joy and happiness.
Always remember; "A friend in need is a friend in deed " .
Inspirational quotes:
'In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
"A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg. Even though you are slightly cracked".
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