
Showing posts from 2016

I'm Back!

It feels like it has been forever! Life managed to catch up to me during the last 4 months, I got really busy with college and work and I had no time at all to post! But, I am finally on my Christmas holiday, the time to chill, relax and do what I love best, so prepare for many posts to come and don’t forget to read, like, share and most importantly, learn! Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you all had a fantastic day! 

Talent! What is yours?

You! Yes, you! The one readying this, you are beautiful; talented, amazing and simply the best at being you Ever questioned yourself if you were talented? Or if there was anything special about you? You have a gift in you. Yes you.  YOU are talented, gifted and there is something special about you. It doesn’t matter if your mum, dad, sisters, brothers, friends, boy/girlfriends can’t see it, YOU have to see it and believe it. You are a gift to the world and your life is full of talents waiting to be shared with the world. God gave us gifts and gave us a choice. We have a choice to bring out the beauty in us through our talents. When we make something out of our gifts we make God proud. Our talent is a gift from God and what we do with it is our gift to Him. We are not only making God proud but we are making others believe that it’s possible. Unconsciously, we are giving people hope and by mastering our talents we can heal wounded souls and rise up forgotten talents. ...


Attitude! What is yours staying about you? Today's post is about attitude. Yes that's right,   Attitude ! Attitude is one of the main issues in the world today. It is the characteristic that defines a person. It can have both positive and negative effect on our lives. Our attitude portrays who we are, and it can build us as the person we want to be. SO, we may ask ourselves these questions, “What exactly is Attitude?” How does it impact our lives? And why is it so important to have a good attitude? We can  define  attitude as; The mental state, or the position that is taken regarding life and affairs. It is the physical action that describes who we are as a person . Our attitude can affect the people around us, either in a positive or a negative way. As a person, our attitude reflects who we are, and it sometimes shows us the direction we are going to take in life.         ...

The Price He Paid

The King paying the price for us.  Today is a day of celebration and Thanksgiving for the whole world. It is a day to celebrate the risen Christ who took the bullet for us by laying His life for us on the cross without any cost.  It is a day that should be celebrated every single day because not only has this day given us hope, but it has also given us joy and freedom from this corrupt world.  Jesus Christ should be the center of everything we do in this world. We must allow him to come into our hearts and reign in our lives. We must appreciate Him every day of our lives, just because He is Everything in this world, He is the King of Kings, the only one who died on the Cross and rise from dead the third day. He is everything. God's love is unconditional.  We must thank  him for giving us His only Begotten Son , that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.  Thank you Jesus for the Blood you she...

Dear readers

Dear Readers, A Letter from me to you, This letter is to remind you that you are beautiful, talented and one of a kind. No one can stop you from doing anything that is on your mind. I just want to say a big thank you to all my readers since I've started this Blog.  Thank you sooo soo much for every minute that you spend reading my post.  I Hope to be posting many more in the future. Don’t forget to like, share and comment, I am really looking forward to hearing your opinions and your thoughts. Thanks you and have a safe year. Love Grace Below is one one my favourite songs this month! Hope it warms your heart as you begin your day today.