Keep your focus
You become what you think about.
It is very easy to lose focus on what we want. This often happens when we are discouraged by others and also by ourselves. But, it is very important to know that it is necessary for you as a human being to achieve happiness. It is necessary to achieve your goals, desires, and dreams. It is important that you live your life the way YOU want and not settle for what life gives you.
You must also be willing to go the extra mile. Be willing to work for what you want no matter how hard it may seem to be. The harder you work and focus on your goals the more opportunities shows up.
What you focus on and think about is what will come your way. You cannot constantly focus on negative thoughts and expect positive results. Your thoughts are seeds and your minds are fertile land. The mind doesn't care what you plant in it, it will always yield results. You can plant wealth or you can plant poverty. You can plant failure or you can plant success, the choice is yours!
When you reach a stage in your life where the fear of being average fears you, then you know you are on the right track to happiness. Focus on your goals, dreams and your desires. Move in silence and never let people know your next move. Learn to love yourself and never give up on you!
Think of what you want your life to be, where you want to see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years and what you are doing right now to make that a reality. It is possible to make any of your goals a reality. But, you must first be focused and be willing to work hard for it. Speak life into your dream, set your destination and work on it!
As you reach your goals you have to be okay with failure. Don't let your setback cause you to sit back but rather prepare yourself for your come back. As Churchill said, "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
Keep focusing on your dreams! It’s never too late to make anything possible! Don't lose sight of what you want the most for the sake of what you want in the moment.
Remember, YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. So, from today onwards begin thinking positivity into your life. You have the power to change your world!
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