The year of success awaits

At exactly 00:00, tomorrow morning will mark the beginning of a new year. Another new chapter in our life journey will be unleashed.

2017 has been a good year. Reflecting back, I feel like it was a prep year for the success coming in 2018. For me, it was a year that thought me to know my worth, and understand what I want in life. I learned how to let go of the past, how to accept that I have no power to change the past and how to move on from what will never add value or happiness to my personal growth. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have participated in 2017.

I know that 2018 is going to be a good year for everyone. Goals and dreams are going to be achieved. No matter how old you are, there is still a lot for you to learn and each year has its own chapters and stories to tell and the beauty of each year is that every one of us has the opportunity to take part in writing their life story. 

Yes, it's a ritual that at the beginning of every year, thousands of people all around the world, will sit down and make a list of goals that they want to achieve in that year. Sadly, only about 5% of people commit to their goals.

2018 will be different and this is how you’re going to make it different for yourself.  At the start of the year, mainly the first week, sit down, on a piece of paper write down a list of what you want to achieve in 2018. It doesn't have to be in order. Write out your short-term goals and the long-term goals. Now, on another piece of paper write down these goals in order of there importance to you. Think about what it will mean to you if you complete the goals and how happy it will make you feel. 
Your list doesn't have to be long, it may only be 5 goals you've set for yourself, but they must be very important to you. 

Lastly, make sure you are being realistic. Ask yourself, are these goals achievable? Can I commit myself to it? If you are just starting off looking to make a whole new change to your life, it's very important to set your goals around what you can achieve. For example, I said to myself at the beginning of 2017 that I was going to visit 8 countries before the end of the year and I only managed to visit one. I was not realistic with myself. As a busy person, trying to juggle work and college Monday to Saturday, visiting 8 countries was unrealistic. I'm not saying it's not possible, for me that year was very unrealistic. So, you must make it realistic for yourself.

One of the keys to achieving the goals you set for your self is commitment. Commit yourself daily to do it. Develop a daily routine that will involve you taking actions towards your goals. Get yourself a journal, or a notebook or somewhere you can plan each day in advance.

In 2018, things will be different, whether you like it or not, your actions are going to adjust to your life’s requirement.

2018 is a year of action, prosperity and it’s the year that all your hard work will be displayed to be the world to celebrate you. 2018 is all about you, achieving that goal you've always wanted and never giving up on you!

Throughout the year 2017, I've learnt a few things and I really want to share it with you and I truly hope you can use it in your life journey. So, whichever applies to you, grab it and let it stay with you!

1.     Develop a relationship with God- This will probably be the hardest thing to stick with but you’re 100% guaranteed love, happiness, joy and success, so you've nothing to lose.

2.     Your daily routine will reveal your real success in life- Develop a constant routine that will help you strive closer to your goals and dreams. 

3.     Prepare yourself for your big moments- Keep working hard on your goals and dreams because you never know, your moment to shine might just be around the corner.

4.     Know your worth and don't settle for less than you deserve – You deserve every happiness in this world and sweetheart, if you’re not getting that from people around you, don’t settle for their option of you, separate yourself from them and surround yourself with people who will help you bring your vision and dreams alive. Don't waste time on people who don't value you!

5.     You are the only person who is able to change your life- The pen is always in your hands, how you write your own story depends on you. If there’s a certain thing in your life that you don’t like and you want to change it, then do it, there’s nothing stopping you except yourself! Always strive to be a better you.

6.     Don't let your past define your present and your future- Until you let the past go, it will continue to haunt you and isolate you from the opportunities that await you.

7.     Don't let your feelings overshadow and overpower your life - Feelings are temporary and if we don't control it, it will control us and take over our lives.

8.     Until you change your mind your life will continue to remain the same.

9.     Know the difference between the 3 types of characteristics of people ( Confidants, Constituents and Comrades). I will touch on this topic in the next few weeks.

10. Set a goal and work hard at it!

11. Learn from every mistake you make. There's always a lesson hidden with every mistake. 

12.  Use your "I am" wisely. You are what you say!

13.  Believe that you can do absolutely anything in this world that you set your mind to and don't let anyone tell you any different.

14. Your life journey is different from other people's journies, so stop comparing!

15.  You are beautiful. Until YOU believe it, you will never feel fully accepted by society or the world. Love yourself, your smile, your flaws, love every bit of it.

16. In everything you do, be nice, patient, loving and kind to others because everyone's stories are different and everyone is passing through different battles.

17.  When things are hard, never give up, no matter how hard the situation is, and always believe that something beautiful is going to happen.

18.  Never engage yourself in a toxic relationship or toxic friendship.

19.  Take little steps each day towards your goals, and dreams.

I wish every single one of you reading this, a wonderful new year, full of happiness, joy and love. Don't be afraid to learn new things, go to different places, meet new people and open your heart to people. I love you all and thank you so much for reading my blog in 2017.

I have linked a video of  Lisa Nichols on how she talks about goals and motivating yourself. I hope you will be able to use this while working towards your goals in 2018.


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