
One of the most powerful forms of personal growth is self- talk. Many of us don’t know its importance in our everyday life and how it can change the way we think, and the way we live our lives. I recently came across a very inspiring video about self-talk, and the words in the video gave me goose bumps. They are powerful motivational words and I knew I ought to share it with you. The video applies to all areas of life and you can watch it countless times whenever you need a little motivation. I have attached the link to the video at the bottom of this post.

You might think the idea is beyond crazy, to talk to yourself. But believe it or not, there's a lot that you will learn about yourself, your potential and your ability. The words you say can determine the kind of life you’ll live.

Talking to yourself helps reduces your low self-esteem, builds confidence and opens your mind to many possibilities. It is one of the most effective and most powerful motivations that there is for any individual. Talk to yourself, not just in your head but also out loud.

One of the best forms of effective self-talk is the use of “I am”. The simply "I am" that is coming out of your mouth will bring you success or failure. When I learned the effectiveness of using "I am" everything changed for me. I started training myself day by day to change every of my “I am” to positive words.  I was once a person who thought life was full of limitation, that there was always going to be an obstacle around the corner that'll stop goals from being achieved. But, after finding out that mankind’s only obstacle is themselves, and also applying the self- talk to my daily life, everything became achievable for me. I began seeing things differently and doing things differently. My mind and thoughts started to change.  

Your "I am" can build you into the person you want to become. You may think that oh it can never work, or it’s a silly idea. But believe me, it works!   It worked for me and it can work for you too! At the beginning it sounded so silly to me and sometimes I thought it was a waste of time but out of curiosity, I kept trying. If it’s too silly to be true, challenge yourself for 6 months straight, without uttering any negative words to yourself, and see how your mind, your thoughts and your way of life starts to change remarkably.

Talk to yourself like you are your own best friend. Sometimes change “I” to “you”. Talk to your self “I am beautiful”, “I am smart”, or “You are beautiful”, “you are talented”. All you've got to do is give it a chance.

Make your self-talk part of your daily routine. Talk to yourself at least once in a day otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world. Remember that all throughout the day the power of our self-talk is at work. Be your own boss and take control of the situations in your life. Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. Be careful the way you talk to yourself because you are listening.

Begin uttering good things into your life, you are the only one who can change your life and the only person who has control over the things you do to make your life amazing! It is not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.

Yes, it will take time for you to fully devote yourself into using your "I am" positively but you must keep trying. It is very important to keep trying, for your presence, your goals and dreams and for your future. Give up negative talk and keep using positive words to yourself. 

~~Self- Talk motivational Video~~

Quote for the day
" Be mindful of your self- talk. It's a conversation with the universe"
                                                                                         ~ David James Lees


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