Don't waste time

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life ~ Steve jobs

Whatever you are doing now, or whatever activities you are involved with, that does not grow you to be a better person or does not have a positive impact in your life, stop it! Stop it, this very moment!

Life is very limited. It doesn't wait for you to gather yourself together. In fact, it waits for no one. Every second, when someone dies a baby is born. Amazaing isn’t? The truth is that each day is a new beginning. Each day is a new opportunity to start over again.

Many people waste their lives doing things that does not add value or contribute to their happiness. The reason for this is that they don't have standards. Many lack a sense of urgency about where their life is going. They tend to settle for whatever life hands to them. But, that shouldn’t be the case at all. If you're not happy with where your life is, change it!

The key to a long term happiness is to keep doing the things that you believe will grow you inside and out. You need to stop wasting time! Stop wasting time with friends that have no mind-sets as you. Stop wasting time on social media. Stop wasting time on the activities that will NEVER add value to your life.  Time is everything. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, but only the wise know how to use it wisely doing something each day that will lead to their success.

Life is beautiful. Sometimes you will need to look deeper to find the beauty in your life. Whatever you do in life, never feel stuck! You're surrounded with plenty of help. Reach out to people when you need help or when you need someone to talk to. People die every day. Some, leave a remarkable signature to the world, others die with all their potentials and all their talents not used. So, choose wisely how you want to live your life.

Time is everything. Know what you want and reach out and work for it.  Take small steps each day, no matter how slow you may feel you are moving, just keep going. Keep going! 

Stop wasting time with people whose dreams are smaller than yours.  I know it may sound a little harsh but you have to move and walk with people with the same mind set as you, otherwise sooner or later you will see that you will begin to draw back from your own goals and dreams.  Dedication requires separation. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, who motivates you and help you to achieve your goals. 

Always look for ways to work smarter. Plan your day. List at least 3 to 4 of your main priorities and break them down to small tasks that will help you to complete them. Also, be realistic!

Stop dwelling on the things that you can't control. Let the past deal with itself and stop allowing your thoughts to travel back in time.  Everyone makes mistakes, but don't let it eat you up and ruin you. Learn from every mistake you make in life, you didn't make them by accident but it crossed your way to grow you and build your strength.

Value every second you spend on earth. Value every single moment! Leave your mark. Impacts lives and make a difference. Make yourself proud of being you! When you set your mind to become a better you, you are doing it for yourself and not for anyone else. Change your attitude towards yourself, start using your  "I am" positively. There is nothing you cannot do! Everything starts with the wiliness to try! Train your mind to serve you and fill your soul with change. Open your mind to new things and new opportunities. If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. Until you decide to change your mind set, your life will remain the same. Time is ticking.

Experiment with life, try something different. If it's not for you, leave it and move on. Keep experimenting until you find what fits you and what is right for you.

In order to do something you have never done before, you have to become someone you haven't been. Have a positive attitude to life. This is not wearing a fake smile all the time even when you have no strength to smile. It simply means that you must motivate yourself in hard times. Keep your goals and dreams alive! Fail today, get back up tomorrow! Don't let life get to you. Let your attitude be the voice for your goals.

Take care of yourself. Listen to your body, eat healthy, exercise and stay focus and positive. You have the power and the ability to be whatever you want. Let your biggest worry in life be finding your purpose and once you know it, start working towards it. Your happiness, joy and success should always be your long term goals.
There is always something you cannot see controlling what you can see. If you spend all of your time and all of your energy to try and identify all the symptoms of the problems in your life and why this or that isn’t working out, you’ll see that you would have wasted your time. Instead, focus on what you can control and work your way into your happiness. When you have goals and dreams I guarantee you things will happen in your life.

Don't waste your time on anything or anyone that does not and will not contribute to your greatness and your happiness. Life waits for no one. Live full and die empty.


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