Fill My empty soul

Boost me in spirit, boost me in faith, boost me in wisdom, boost me in knowledge, Lord please boost me in you. Fill my empty soul and shower your blessings on me. I confess that I am empty without you, I confess that I am nothing without, my life is meaningless without your presence, you are the only one who knows my future, the one who knows my beginning and my end, so please Lord fill me with your spirit cause I am tired of carrying my own problem, am tired of fighting my own battle, am tired of life’s struggles, am tired, Lord am just tired. My hope lies on no one but you, I’ve tried leaning on people but I’ve come to realise that the only one who I can lean on is you because you will never disappoint me. I am tired of been me, Lord fill me with your spirit because I know that when am filled with your spirit I am no longer me, I’ll then start living as a different person, walking with faith, breathing with hope, smiling with joy and filled  with happiness. Lord please, fill me with your spirit, and fill my empty soul.


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